What is Stichting DevOps Foundation

Stichting DevOps Foundation is the financial and legal non-profit entity (Stichting) behind devopsdays Amsterdam, the DevOpsAmsterdam meetup group, the 10th anniversary of DevOpsDays Ghent (2019), and devopsdays Eindhoven.

Stichting DevOps Foundation also offers hosting of event management (Pretix) and proposal management solutions (Pretalx) to organizations like DevOpsDays Chicago, DevOpsDays Detroit, DevOpsDays Denver and DevOpsDays Prague.

Our Mission Statement

At Stichting DevOps Foundation, our passion is to foster, facilitate, and finance DevOps and related events Europe-wide, particularly in cities where the DevOps spirit is yet budding or facing challenges. Leveraging the rich experiences of our dedicated members, we step aside from events that have achieved self-sustaining success, channeling our resources and focus towards emergent opportunities. Our commitment extends beyond financial support; we ensure quality and alignment by actively monitoring and endorsing events that align with our vision. We of course do not abandon existing events, but focus instead on providing advisory and financial oversight as opposed to direct organizational involvement.

The boardmembers